Zephyrius (Zep)

Anubian Jackal

Zephyrius, city dwelling former memmber of the Knights of Umbra, a notorious under city organisation known for their network of illegal activities ranging from traficking substances to sentients. Zep's an Anubian Jackal with a penchant for swords, fights, and the debaucherous. His interests and abilities from being a former citizen of the Undercity quickly earned him a spot in the Solaris' most renown paramilitary orginsation; White Inc.


King Cheetah

Archer, a former noble from the House of Baring in the Glades west of Haven Port. His heritage as the son of a Lord and of a common maid made him the target of much disdain within the household. Kept within the confines of the servant's quarters and shielded from public eye his only contact with the outside world was an online VR game where he met Zep. At the behest of the jackal the saber-chee made the leap to leave everything behind, travelling to New Solaris City where he now shares an apartment with Zep.

New Solaris

Pacis, Prosperitatis, Promissionis

A city the size of a small country, however, comfortably populated with sufficient people to ensure a harmonious balance between nature and productivity. No effort has been spared by the elected government in maintaining the status quo of having a city at the forefront of envirotech. From Nuclear Fusion electricity, to planting trees in every available living space New Solaris is the solar punked city of dreams.

Find out more in the SOLARIS tab above.