Perhaps one interesting aspect of the Government of New Solaris is thier adoption of a branch of Democracy known as Partial Demarchy. Essentially, Partial Demarchy here is the concept of selecting from a random but large qualified pool of ordinary non-elected citizens to make important decisions on Social laws and policies.

Matters pertaining to Economics, International Politics, Immigration and others are still decided by the elected members of the High Council. The idea of the Partial Demarchy here is to ensure that social policies are made in the best interest of the people.

The overarching council that oversees all branches of of government in New Solaris. Mostly administrative in nature, the High Council serves to resolve disputes between the various sub-divisions. In addition, the High Council is also responsible for all high level decisions and have the final word on all laws and policies enacted in New Solaris.

Made up of 10 members elected by the people as the experts in their domains prior to ascension to the High Council. Their position on the High Council can only be maintained by meeting a minimal satisfaction quota determined by the people of New Solaris through a Seasonal vote every 4 years.
The Council of Sentients is one of the largest sub-division of the government in New Solaris. All matters pertaining to citizens, residents, and would be residents of New Solaris are managed by The Council of Sentients. A prime example of the jurisdiction of The Council of Sentient's administrative reach includes New Solaris' immigration policies.

The premise of New Solaris being able to attain and maintain what it has over the two centuries of continuous development boils down to its management of population. Highly refined, carefully cultivated policies to maintain a replacement birthrate plus strict entry requirements for any would be hopefuls looking to migrate to New Solaris.

In that regards, New Solaris has become the preferred choice of many hopefuls seeking to leave their home cities for greener pastures. On a daily basis New Solaris receives over several thousand applications of which only a handful ever meet the selction criteria for further evaluation.

The city states of their world maintains political afflilation with each other just the same a show countties in the past maintained relationships. A lot of summits, dicussions, meetings, and talks. The current policial climate of their word favours tabling as opposed to taking, a one benefit of having emerged from a great war.

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The largest single criminal syndicate in New Solaris is the Umbra Group. Born from the desires of hopefuls seeking entry into New Solaris, Umbra Group sought and exploited means of illegally traficking sentients into the city. The Umbra Group's dencentralised nature makes an extremely illusive group that has survived many beheadings of their leadership. For the Umbra Group, those who are caught being directly involved in the illegal movement of sentients have their citizenship revoked and are exiled beyond the wall after a stint in prison.